You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. ~Fight Club
Fight Club turns 10 years old today. The world was not ready for Fight Club back in 1999. It was an assault on your senses, a mind fuck if you will, challening you to look in the mirror & wonder, did I sell out or just buy in?
The beauty of this movie is that there are so many different interpretations that you can discover. I've watched this movie @ least 30 times & I can find something new with every view. Is it sado-masochistic? Is it a capitalistic nightmare? Is it a Generation-X fairy-tale or just a testosterone-induced cautionary tale? It's all of this & more. A good movie makes you ask questions & challenges you to have discussions long after you've left the theater. This movie does that. This movie is the epitome of what a cult classic should be. If you haven't seen this masterpiece, do yourself a favor & buy it. Hell, buy it twice! You will not be disappointed.
I remember the 1st words that came out my my then girlfriend's mouth after the final frame when we saw Fight Club in the movie theater back in 1999 & it's a quote that I hopefully won't have to hear again in any other context, 'Honey, did a big black cock just flash in front of our faces on the movie screen? Yes honey it did.' 'What Would Tyler Durden Do?'
yo, Timmah, there is no fight club!